Corporation tax Thomson Reuters, BTCSoftware, Mercia Group, UFileT2, TaxCalc, etc… – Le Ticket Bollywood Luisa D. Fuller March 14, 2022
Corporation tax Corporation tax: the disregard and recognition of profits and losses on derivative contracts covering the acquisition and disposal of shares (Regulation 2022) Luisa D. Fuller March 9, 2022
Corporation tax Corporate Income Tax Software Market Sees Huge Growth For The New Normal Luisa D. Fuller February 28, 2022
Corporation tax Corporate tax: is the professional levy back on the table? Luisa D. Fuller February 25, 2022
Corporation tax Corporate tax on par with VAT as second source of state revenue Luisa D. Fuller January 5, 2022
Corporation tax Global Corporate Tax Proposal No Threat to Isle of Man | Luisa D. Fuller December 29, 2021
Corporation tax €2bn corporate tax hike puts government on track for record tax Luisa D. Fuller November 2, 2021
Corporation tax The IT sector has led to a massive increase in corporate tax Luisa D. Fuller September 16, 2021
Corporation tax The State received €1.04bn in corporate tax revenue in August Luisa D. Fuller September 4, 2021
Corporation tax Surprise €800m corporate tax hike boosts state budget Luisa D. Fuller September 2, 2021
Corporation tax Minimum global corporate tax rate would help save high street retailers – Andrew Morrison Luisa D. Fuller July 20, 2021
Corporation tax why the argument that it breaks EU law is likely to fail Luisa D. Fuller July 8, 2021
Corporation tax Income tax collection exceeds corporation tax for first time in 12 years Luisa D. Fuller June 2, 2021
Corporation tax Corporate tax hike is a risk Chancellor may regret – Institute For Fiscal Studies Luisa D. Fuller March 15, 2021
Corporation tax Rishi Sunak’s budget brings first corporate tax hike since 1974 | Spring 2021 Budget Luisa D. Fuller March 3, 2021
Corporation tax Keir Starmer under pressure to back corporate tax hike plans | Spring 2021 Budget Luisa D. Fuller February 24, 2021
Corporation tax How will corporate tax change under Making Tax Digital? – The new economy Luisa D. Fuller October 13, 2020
Corporation tax 10 companies paid 40% of the government’s corporate tax windfall last year Luisa D. Fuller June 25, 2020
Corporation tax Reduction of corporate tax for the benefit of companies to 1%, SMEs paying less tax: Eco Survey Luisa D. Fuller January 31, 2020
Corporation tax Non-resident UK companies must pay corporation tax on property income Luisa D. Fuller January 27, 2020
Corporation tax SMEs pay a higher corporate tax rate than large companies Luisa D. Fuller January 9, 2018